Minnesota Pomskies

Hello, we are called Minnesota Pomskies on Facebook. We have an Instagram @Shushu_the_pomsky. We are located in the twin cities of MN. We have always loved dogs, especially the husky breed. Although a purebred husky is quite too large for some people to handle like myself personally, we have found the pomsky breed to be a perfect fit. We still get the husky look we all love, just half the size of a purebred husky. We just had our first litter of second generation pomskies born 1/23/17.
We only have 2 dogs (our male and female) and currently, breed only twice a year. This means you can ensure we give all our attention to our dogs.Our dogs are our family and we do not plan to retire and give our dogs away after they are done breeding. We take pride in our dogs and treat them with such love and care. A pomsky from us will come dewormed 4 times, vet checked to ensure a healthy puppy, tested for intestinal parasites and Giardia, 1st set of vaccines, 1-year health guarantee against genetic issues, and definitely pre-spoiled. We do require spay/neuter contract!


Breeder Profile

Pomsky Pictures

*Please check with the breeder whether the puppies are available.

Related post: List of Pomsky breeders in USA

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